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As yet in a sentence

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Sentence count:265+3Posted:2016-07-18Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: heretoforehithertoso farthus fartil nowuntil nowup to nowyetSimilar words: easyfantasytake it easyMeaning: adv. used in negative statement to describe a situation that has existed up to this point or up to the present time. 
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91, The stone face, lively and young as it was, had a certainty about it the boy could not claim as yet.
92, The area is as yet largely untouched by the ugliness of mass afforestation and still a paradise for lovers of the outdoors.
93, However, the final, as yet small, family of cell adhesion molecules bind to carbohydrates.
94, We have sent a donation out of our as yet meagre little store of funds.
95, You never see animals going through the absurd and often horrible fooleries of magic and religion. Only man behaves with such gratuitous folly. It is the price he has to pay for being intelligent but not, as yet, quite intelligent enough. Aldous Huxley 
96, The combined effects of these waves on our health and well-being are as yet unknown.
97, Sense organs for lunar and planetary influences, for atmospheric pressure and cosmic rays are as yet purely hypothetical. 2.
98, As yet, there is little evidence to support this conclusion.
99, It is, of course, difficult as yet to say whether or not these fears are unduly alarmist or exaggerated or even groundless.
100, One sheet lay at his feet, as yet untouched by the flames, although it was beginning to curl inwards.
101, As yet there has been little research considering early retirement among women and its social meaning and impact.
102, Strictly speaking, there is as yet no definitive evidence for declining sperm counts.
103, The significance of the sequence similarity between our gene and the vaccinia protein is as yet unclear.
104, He spent 3 months there, running up bills of £30,000, as yet unpaid.
105, The full significance of these combinations is as yet uncertain.
105, Wish you can benefit from and make progress everyday!
106, We do not yet know if these deductions are correct since they are as yet untested.
107, Furthermore, the importance of predation can be seen as yet another element in the disturbance picture.
108, However as yet they are untried in the context of insider dealing, and are likely to prove difficult to sustain.
109, The shorter ones among them generally limit themselves to praise-affirmations but do not as yet have any particular type of conclusion.
110, They have been able to collect some data, but as yet nothing really conclusive.
111, As yet, though, the best measurements of the microwave background show none of the tell-tale marks that such flaws would leave.
112, As yet links between gender and ethnicity are little understood.
113, The irregular heartbeat of battle was distant as yet but throbbing closer.
114, As with all other proposed changes for broadcasting, the details of the Thatcher Government's reforming zeal are as yet unknown.
115, In the continuous process thus engendered one sees how true theory stimulates ideas about what may be, in realms as yet unexplored.
116, As yet, however, there have been no further privatizations of major significance.
117, Periods of punctuated equilibrium offer many new, as yet unexplored territories.
118, As yet there has been little public debate on the specifics of the options or the associated design choices.
119, Changes in the balance of other hormones or growth factors, which are as yet unknown, may result from fundectomy.
120, This hint of planning poses as yet unanswerable questions about the early impetus towards urban development.
More similar words: easyfantasytake it easy
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